Can I just start this post with one big SIIIGGGHHHH? That’s me exhaling great disappointment in myself. I...oh do I admit this? Yesterday, I went to Target and BOUGHT THE DAMN ELF ON A SHELF, OKAY? You people....all you PEOPLE with your little ELVES with names like Tingles and Joy and Snowball...I couldn’t take the PRESSURE anymore of my Offspring asking me, badgering me, with their sad, little, pathetic eyes...why don’t WE have an Elf on a Shelf? And instead of giving them my honest answer of-”Because Mommy is lazy and can barely remember to put chocolate in the Advent Calendar every night so how can She be expected to move a money-sucking little Elf around each night, and, also, I think you should just be able to BELIEVE in Santa without any extra stimulation because you are a LITTLE KID and that’s what LITTLE KIDS do...blindly believe in Santa”...I told them something to the effect of-”I’M the Elf on the Shelf and I should be the only motivation you need to have good behavior because me and Santa are likethis.” That worked last year. This year...not so much. It seemed as if every house I entered, there was this little Elf staring deep into my soul, pleading with me, begging me, asking me the question...Why? Why am I, this cute little Elf, so bad? Why can’t you bring your Children the joy and magic they deserve? WHAT KIND OF MOTHER ARE YOU? And, trust me, there are only so many times that you can have an imaginary conversation with an un-living thing before you crack.
What did those kids do to that nice lady?
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Elf on a M'Fing Shelf
Can I just start this post with one big SIIIGGGHHHH? That’s me exhaling great disappointment in myself. I...oh do I admit this? Yesterday, I went to Target and BOUGHT THE DAMN ELF ON A SHELF, OKAY? You people....all you PEOPLE with your little ELVES with names like Tingles and Joy and Snowball...I couldn’t take the PRESSURE anymore of my Offspring asking me, badgering me, with their sad, little, pathetic eyes...why don’t WE have an Elf on a Shelf? And instead of giving them my honest answer of-”Because Mommy is lazy and can barely remember to put chocolate in the Advent Calendar every night so how can She be expected to move a money-sucking little Elf around each night, and, also, I think you should just be able to BELIEVE in Santa without any extra stimulation because you are a LITTLE KID and that’s what LITTLE KIDS do...blindly believe in Santa”...I told them something to the effect of-”I’M the Elf on the Shelf and I should be the only motivation you need to have good behavior because me and Santa are likethis.” That worked last year. This year...not so much. It seemed as if every house I entered, there was this little Elf staring deep into my soul, pleading with me, begging me, asking me the question...Why? Why am I, this cute little Elf, so bad? Why can’t you bring your Children the joy and magic they deserve? WHAT KIND OF MOTHER ARE YOU? And, trust me, there are only so many times that you can have an imaginary conversation with an un-living thing before you crack.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Brightly Lit Dressing Rooms
Okay. I mean. Why? You know what I’m talking about. Why do dressing rooms have florescent lights? This makes no sense to me. Who is in charge of this? Is it somebody’s idea of a joke? Not only do you have to go jean shopping today, you get to do it in a small room bright with unflattering light! Oh, those pants feel a little tight? Well, to make you feel even BETTER about yourself, we’ve gone ahead and put special lighting in here to highlight those unfortunate stretch marks your Firstborn inflicted upon you while in-utero, and juuusstt in case you are all like, these are my Warrior Marks, not Stretch Marks, that doesn’t explain how your lower abdomen slightly resembles a burrito when you bend over, so just go ahead and get a better view of that. And OH!! We’ve also gone ahead and installed this dressing room with TWO BEHIND you, so when you’re like, trying on bathing suits, you can get a goooood look at your ass in these florescent lights. I mean, they say almost every woman has cellulite, but in case you thought maybe you didn’t, YOU WERE WRONG. And there it is in all it’s glory. BWHAAAA!!!!
You would think that maybe it’s just the Targets of the world with badly lit dressing rooms. But no. Nope. Bra shopping at Nordstroms? Yep. Go ahead and take your shirt off and let a nice lady feel you up while staring at the bra strap fat in terrible lighting. Or that time I went to JCrew looking for a pair of shorts and instead left crying and more convinced than ever that I should just not wear shorts. Ever. (Side note-Do you think Michelle Obama ever left JCrew crying?) And I realize that maybe this...aversion...I have to Brightly Lit Dressing Rooms says more about my insecurities and body dysmorphia, but, still, would it kill retails stores to put in a nice, dim light? Or just one that doesn’t make me feel like I’m in a line up? Think how much better bathing suit shopping would be if they put in a skinny mirror and a 55 watt lightbulb? Damn, I might even buy two bathing suits then! I might want to try them all on because LOOK HOW GOOD I LOOK IN THIS LIGHT!! And when you think about it that way, really, who can say that I am doing anything except trying to boost retail sales to improve our economy? We don’t need women leaving dressing rooms crying! We need them leaving full of confidence and empty wallets! THIS IS FOR YOU, AMERICA!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Really Skinny People
The thing about living in an area of the country where people are ultra-obsessed with carbs and protein and bones protruding through their bodies is that you easily lose sight of what is “normal.” As you can imagine, when one is surrounded by professional volleyball players and wannabe swimsuit models, it is quite easy to develop a complex and/or psychological issues. And you know, damn it! I’m tired of feeling fat all the time because all these Really Skinny People just can’t bring it down a notch. Good God, what is this desire to be less than zero? I will never, ever be a Really Skinny Person and I don’t even want to be, so why am I always feeling so bad about myself because my ass can fill out my jeans? So, in order to try and put a stop, at least a temporary one, to my feelings of inadequacy, I’ve composed a couple of lists to remind me that Really Skinny People might be really skinny, but they are also maybe just a teensy weensy, little tiny bit crazy.
Really Skinny People have many fears. Among them:
Gluten Calories
Missed workouts
Spin class being cancelled
Going from a size 2 to a size 4. (Fat ass.)
Running out of kale
Organic coconuts
Coconut water
Coconut milk
Coconut oil
Whole Foods
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Teenagers Drinking Coffee/Almond Milk/Waiting in Line
Sometimes I feel like I don’t even need to explain Teenagers Drinking Coffee should really be enough for someone to read and say, Oh yes...that is totally annoying, but if for some reason you’re all...what? Why is it annoying for teenagers to drink coffee?...I’ll share.
First of all, Teenagers: please stop trying to be all grown up and stuff. Trust have the rest of your life to be Grown. I still feel like an insecure 16 year old who is not nearly Grown, but for the sake of my Children, I need to appear that I’m Grown and like...know how to do stuff. Drinking coffee makes you look like you want to be Grown, but really, just stop drinking coffee and go outside and play with your friends. You’ll thank me later.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Things That Make Me Angry: Take 1
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Dear Lego
Does anyone else want to tell Lego to suck it? Anyone? I mean, really, I can’t be the only one who has experienced the painful whine of a child who’s Recently Put Together Over Priced Random Lego Set slips from his hands and crashes to the floor and falls apart in a way that a NASA engineer might have a hard time putting back together. I can’t be the only parent who has proclaimed a sick sense of victory after finding an impossibly small piece of plastic shaped like some sort of weapon stuck in a sofa cushion just TO MAKE THE CRIES STOP. And, please, I know I am not alone in the joy I feel when I may or may not accidentally vacuum up what may or may not be little Lego nun chucks. Hey-I’m not the one who deserted them in the carpet. It’s like you WANT me to destroy them.
But recently, I got to thinking that hey...maybe these Lego Executives don’t know that people want them to suck it and just need a little feedback. I mean, clearly, these people have no children and hate mothers, why would they even have an inkling that many people consider them the devil? So, in the name of fairness, I have composed a letter to alert them of this fact.
Well, aren’t you just so clever? You know, back in the day I used to really like you, Lego. A big box of colorful bricks just waiting for my endless childhood imagination to build magnificent masterpieces all of my own creation? Heaven. But that wasn’t enough for you, was it? No no no. You had to go and get all greedy. You had to go ahead take over the world with your Harry Potter/Star Wars/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Lord of the Rings/Lone Ranger Lego sets. Even THAT wasn’t enough for you. Oh no no no. You THEN had to go ahead and CREATE TELEVISION SHOWS whose sole purpose is to SELL LEGO SETS. I know you probably think you must be absolute geniuses to have thought of such a thing, but the truth is, you are going to Hell. But it will be a special Hell, designed just Lego Executives. In this Hell, you will rotate from one Lego Created Painful Experience to the next. Here are some examples.
Gelato Mama
Friday, August 2, 2013
Four Letter Words
Let me go ahead and start out by saying that if you find muttering four letter words under your breath around your Offspring and/or maybe sometimes flipping them off behind their backs offensive, you should just stop reading this now. Go ahead and have yourself a nice, curse-free day. But...if you’re like me and often think to yourself, Children really bring out the F-bombing in me, then keep reading and maybe we should consider being Best Friends. Now, if you DO find this offensive and are STILL reading, then I take no responsibility for your choice and think maybe you should lighten up a little and that you might be lying about the words you may or may not be muttering under your breath or thinking in your head during the more...trying times of child rearing.
Get out of the car please...come on guys...let’s get a move on.
Truck Driver:
Fucking seriously get out of the fucking car. I could have brokered a fucking peace treaty by the time it has taken you to slowly, tortuously, slide your body out of the damn car.
You know what, guys? I’m not really in the mood to be jumped on right now. Let’s find something else to do that doesn’t involve Mama breaking a rib.
Truck Driver:
Get.The.Fuck.Off.Of.Me. I gave both of you my BOOBS for twelve fucking months. Would it kill you to give me some PERSONAL FUCKING SPACE ALREADY?
Yes. That’s what we’re having for dinner. Eat it or be hungry. Your choice.
Truck Driver:
I’m sorry that you think you’re not tired, but it’s time for bed and you may not come out of this room again. Good night. I love you.
Truck Driver:
We just spent every possible damn second together today and now I need to have a very large glass of wine on the sofa and watch some terrible fucking television. Good fucking night. Go the fuck to sleep. And I fucking love you so fucking much it makes my heart fucking hurt.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Summer Fun
So, I’m not counting or anything, but I have approximately 13 hours of peace and quiet to myself until The Offspring are sprung from their school schedules and thrust into what is quite possibly the greatest time of a child’s life, while at the same time sends shivers down the spine of parents’s Summer. Now, I have to cautiously declare that after my first year of “real” school with my Kindergartner, I am kinda ready for summer. I’m ready for a break from homework (Yes. I need a break from Kindergarten homework. Judge away.) I’ll be happy to not pack lunches every morning and then washing those godforsaken little reusable containers every afternoon. I can maybe relax a little over the next 10 weeks or so not thinking every day...what am I missing? I must be missing SOMETHING! I’m looking forward to lazy afternoons at the beach, exploring a few new museums with The Children and hitting the road for a couple vacations. It’s kind of like I’m this little puppy dog, filled with fresh energy, my tail wagging with anticipation of all the FUN! and ADVENTURE! that awaits the Gelato Family. Summer? Bring it on!
Friday, May 10, 2013
Crazy Love
In honor of Mother’s Day, I was thinking I should write something sweet and sappy about being a Mother to Son and Daughter and how they fill me with joy and wonder and my love for them is endless and how I couldn’t imagine my life without them and seriously, what did I ever DO on a Saturday before I had kids?
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
I’m so lucky tiptoe into my Children’s room at night and watch them sleep. I’m so lucky to feel their breath on my face as I lean in for one more silent kiss. I’m so lucky to quietly sneak around their room, turning off their bed lamps, leaving them in a quiet whisper of darkness as they tangle themselves in blankets. I’m so lucky to be awoken each morning by the footsteps of Daughter as she makes her way into our bed to snuggle for a few precious minutes before announcing that, really,’s time to wake up. I’m so lucky to be able to get frustrated with my Children. To put them in time outs. To laugh at their jokes. To listen to their extremely detailed stories. They are mine. And I love them more than anything. The thought of losing them is so extremely painful that one must not think of it.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Little Lessons
As a parent, I can feel intimidated with the responsibility of teaching The Offspring the basic lessons of life. Lessons such as the golden rule of treating others the way you would like to be treated. I often wonder if I will be able to teach compassion and generosity. Will they be able to lose gracefully but also win graciously? I worry that growing up in an affluent community will make it difficult for them to realize that less is more and more is just...more. But, most importantly, how can I ensure that Son and Daughter grow up to be Kind Human Beings? I mean...isn’t that what we all really want? Children who mature into healthy, adjusted Adults who aren’t douchebags?
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Losing My Marbles...
When I was a kid and long summer days loomed ahead of my siblings and me, we would stumble downstairs in the morning, the house emptied of parental figures who were off to work, and find a daily note from my mother with a cheery Good Morning followed by our list of To-Do’s for the day that needed to be completed before she got home. Clean the bathroom, mow the lawn, vacuum the floors, dust the furniture, ect ect. This was normal. Expected. It wasn’t just a summer day of life, it was an every day of life. Each night after dinner, we did the dishes. We shoveled the walk of freshly fallen snow at 6 am on more than one occasion. I spent many a spring and summer day with my tape player attached to my shorts listening to Kris Kross while making neat lines in the lawn with the mower. We raked leaves and took down storm windows. For God’s sakes, we even painted our own damn house one summer. There was no monetary reward for this. There wasn’t an empty jar waiting to be filled with marbles for some sort of fantastical reward. We were a unit; a team. You know what my reward was for cleaning the bathroom? A clean bathroom. (And in my 32 years on this planet, I have been forced to use some pretty awful bathrooms so turns out, this is a very good reward.)
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Homework Blues
Two: The very fact that yes, kindergarten Homework makes me unhappy. What happens when I...uh...I mean...the Offspring have algebra Homework? Three words: Go Ask Daddy. (Or, more likely: Get A Tutor.)
Three: The very fact that Son coming home with Homework is yet another reason in a long line of reasons that have recently inspired me to utter the dreaded tell-tale sign of age: “When I was a kid...”
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