What did those kids do to that nice lady?

Thursday, May 26, 2022

To Rise

He has risen you say

It’s what you advertise

He has risen you say 

but I think He has slipped away

To bed He went once more 

after He woke to realize only 

the world He left is ash and blaze

The world He left

deserves no saint 

no all forgiving haze

He rose to realize only

He needs to rest again

because His name

You take in vain

and maim

His children

He has risen you say 

yet He needs to rest 

because down our throats you keep shoving

His name

while the flesh of your gun

is held to the temples 

of our children

so brave they were 

to die for your soul 

for your sin 

He has risen you say

yet He needs to rest 

for my body is your temple 

it is declared 

it is yours for play

it is yours to rule

and regulate

until our children 


His name

uttered upon your lips

as you cling to your cold metal

While screaming of your right 

To bear your arms

as our arms

are emptied 

of our children

He has risen you say

yet He needs to rest 

to beg you please 

take your bible

take His name 

take your bullshit

and pray

You better pray

On your knees

That He will rise 


You better pray 

that He will forgive your sins

your fucking murdering sins

as your glad-handing hands

congratulate your tax evading voters 

on their contribution 

to the murder

of our children 

He has risen you say

I hate to tell you

Jesus is tired

Jesus went back to bed

It is our turn 

To rise

You better pray